Haymarket, VA Farm Engagement Session | Haymarket, VA Photographer | Katie Sue & Benjamin

Haymarket, Va.

A small town in the Prince William and Manassas region, Haymarket, Va., was an interesting and important choice for this engagement shoot. It was here that we braved the early chilly mornings of spring to head out onto the groom-to-be's childhood family farm. The rustic and rural setting was perfect for a shoot filled with nostalgia, romance...and maybe a little whiskey, too. 

Katie Sue & Ben

Katie Sue and Ben were excellent sports during their engagement session, and showed that fun props can serve a two-fold purpose: adorable snapshots plus fighting off the cold (thank you, Stranahan's and Pendleton!). We're so glad they proposed having the shoot at Ben's childhood family farm, making for a meaningful morning unique and special in a multitude of ways. 

Engagement Photos

Man and woman walking through forest
Woman looking at man in field
Couple standing together among trees
Engagement ring on foliage
Couple kissing in forest
Couple sitting on fallen tree over water
Couple kissing on fallen tree in water
Couple cuddled up in blanket
Couple wrapped up in blanket, kissing
Couple standing in doorway of log cabin
Woman and man standing in cabin doorway
Man lifting woman
Couple kissing in front of cabin
Couple standing in front of red barn
Couple holding hands against barn
Bottle of Stranahan's whiskey
Man smelling whiskey bottle
Laughing woman and man holding whiskey bottle
Woman laughing with whiskey bottle
Man kissing woman on old truck
Couple dancing in front of old truck
Man pointing something out to woman
Woman looking up at man
Woman leading man across field
Couple walking across field